Dianabol Dosage: The Essential Information on Dbol Dosage

Every bodybuilder or professional athlete wants to maximise the effects of their workout in the gym. When you’re hitting the gym, you want proof that all hard work is paying off. You want to optimise your muscle mass gains and cut excess body fats, all this whilst experiencing minimal side effects or risks. So how can you achieve this? There are plenty of ways and numerous supplements you’ll find on the internet.

You probably have heard about anabolic steroids if you’re associated with a regular gym or any sports world. Yes! True Anabolic steroids such as Dianabol, aka Methandienone or Dbol, are the best choice for those who are looking for significant and quick muscle mass gain. It also improves your muscle strength and improves your overall performance excellently.

Dianabol is the best steroid compound that improves your body composition and overall performance in a short period. In this article, we will discuss the best-recommended Dianabol dosage and other important points that help you to get effective results with minimal side effects.


What Is Dianabol?

Dianabol is a potent anabolic androgenic steroid which is also known as Methandienone or Dbol. It is widely used by bodybuilders and athletes as a performance-enhancing drug. Dianabol is available in both oral (pills,capsule or tablets) and injectable (injection) forms. Initially, it was used as veterinary medicine. Dianabol or Dbol is an alpha-alkylated steroid 17. It is considered a most powerful anabolic steroid due to its effective and immediate results.

You can find top-quality Dianabol for sale from here. Dbol was created by Dr. John Ziegler, which has an active half-life of around 24 hours. It gained popularity in the 70s. The famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted that he was using Dbol to win several competitions. Taking the Dianabol dosage correctly will promote muscle mass growth, increase strength, and overall performance. To get effective results, it is essential to consume Dianabol properly. Let’s check it out.



How To Take Dianabol?

People can take Dianabol pills or Dianabol injections to improve their physique and overall performance. The typical recommended Dbol dosage range is between 20mg to 80 mg per day. When you use more than 80 mg dosage per day, it may cause various side effects and affect your health negatively. The ideal cycle of Dbol is for 6 to 8 weeks.

Dianabol dosage also depends on the user’s experience level. Here is the best-recommended Dbol dosage based on users experience level:

  • Beginners users can take 20 mg to 30 mg per day.
  • Intermediate Users can take 30 mg to 50 mg per day.
  • Advanced Level users can take 40mg to 80mg per day.

The ideal time to consume Dianabol is after a meal or training workout because it helps you to avoid different digestive problems. When you consume Dianabol, it may cause water retention, but it will disappear quickly at the end of the Dbol cycle, and you’ll get pure muscle gain.

Note that Dianabol pills are liver toxic steroids, so you should use liver protection such as Samarin (Silymarin, also called liver protection) or LIV-52. This supplement protects your liver from damage or various diseases. Remember your diet and nutrition including training workout plays a vital role on to get effective results.

When you use a single dose of Dianabol regularly, your body will absorb better, but you need to be careful if you’re using Dianabol pills because they are liver toxic. When you follow the Dbol dosage with protection and perform the post-cycle therapy, it will give you more effective results with minimum side effects.

Note: Dianabol does aromatize and convert to 17a-methylestradiol,  so users need to take antiestrogens/aromatase inhibitors such as Nolvadex.


Dianabol Cycle Information

Dianabol is used for bulking and cutting purposes. People can use the Dianabol solo cycle, or they can stack it with other anabolic steroids such as Deca Durabolin, Sustanon 250, and Winstrol. Here is the best recommended Dbol solo and stack cycle that is recommended:

→ Dianabol Cycle For Mass Gain (Bulking cycle)

Week Dianabol Nolvadex Samarin 140
Week 1 40 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 2 tabs
Week 2 50 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 2 tabs
Week 3 60 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 2 tabs
Week 4 70 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 3 tabs
Week 5 80 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 3 tabs
Week 6 80 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 3 tabs
Week 7 70 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 3 tabs
Week 8 60 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 2 tabs
Week 9 50 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 2 tabs
Week 10 40 mg per day 1 x 20 mg tablet 2 tabs
Week 11 2 tabs
Bulking Pack – beginner- 6 weeks (Dianabol) Dragon Pharma


→ Dianabol And Deca Durabolin Stack Cycle For Bulking Phase

Week Dianabol Sustanon Deca Durabolin Samarin 140
Week 1 40 mg per day 250 mg/week 100 mg/week 3 tab per day
Week 2 40 mg per day 250 mg/week 100 mg/week 3 tab per day
Week 3 40 mg per day 250 mg/week 100 mg/week 3 tab per day
Week 4 40 mg per day 250 mg/week 100 mg/week 3 tab per day
Week 5 40 mg per day 250 mg/week 100 mg/week 3 tab per day
Week 6 40 mg per day 250 mg/week 100 mg/week 3 tab per day
Week 7 40 mg per day 250 mg/week 100 mg/week 3 tab per day
Week 8 40 mg per day 250 mg/week 100 mg/week 3 tab per day
Week 9 250 mg/week 3 tab per day
Week 10 3 tab per day

→ Dianabol And Winstrol Stack For Dry Mass Gain (Cutting cycle)

Week Dianabol Winstrol Samarin 140
Week 1 40 mg per day 3 tabs per day
Week 2 40 mg per day 3 tabs per day
Week 3 40 mg per day 3 tabs per day
Week 4 40 mg per day 3 tabs per day
Week 5 40 mg per day 50 mg per day 3 tabs per day
Week 6 40 mg per day 50 mg per day 3 tabs per day
Week 7 40 mg per day 50 mg per day 3 tabs per day
Week 8 40 mg per day 50 mg per day 3 tabs per day


Dianabol Post-Cycle Therapy

Post-cycle therapy is essential to perform because when you consume the Dbol, it will suppress the natural testosterone production. The main objective is to perform Dbol PCT that will help you to start the reproduction of testosterone level. You can use drugs like Nolvadex and Clomid to perform the PCT.

PCT Nolvadex Clomid
11 1 x 20 mg tablet 1 x 20 mg tablet
12 1 x 20 mg tablet 1 x 20 mg tablet
13 1 x 20 mg tablet 1 x 20 mg tablet
14 1 x 20 mg tablet 1 x 20 mg tablet


What Are The Effects Of Dianabol On The Body?

Dianabol can have both positive and negative effects on the body. It depends on the Dianabol dosage, cycle duration, and your age. Dianabol is a potent anabolic steroid that has strong anabolic and androgenic properties, so it is not advisable for women. Women should avoid the use of Dbol because it may cause high virilization effects on their bodies.

Dianabol will give you several benefits and advantages when you consume it properly. Here are some of them:

  • Significant muscle mass growth
  • Enhance red blood cell count
  • Enhance nitrogen retention
  • Enhance protein synthesis
  • Increase body strength and stamina
  • Improve sleeping disorder
  • Boost overall performance
  • Faster fat burning
  • Quick recovery rate
  • Quick muscle mass gain
  • Enhance endurance level
  • Boost metabolism process

You should avoid high dose and long-term use of Dianabol because it may cause numerous side effects that affect your health. Here are the possible and most common side effects of Dbol that you may face:

  • Liver toxic
  • Water retention
  • Gynecomastia (Breast enlargement in men)
  • Decrease libido
  • Increase blood pressure
  • Testosterone suppression
  • Acne
  • Mood swings
  • Baldness (Hair Loss)




Dianabol is a potent anabolic steroid used for bulking and cutting purposes. When you consume it properly, it will give you effective results in terms of bodybuilding. Remember, only high-quality and original products will provide you with 100% satisfactory results. So always buy Dianabol for bodybuilding from the top reputable steroid websites.

If you have any questions regarding Dbol dosage or cycle, please ask our professional coaching experts (https://mega-steroids.is/contact-us/) anytime. We are glad to guide you on the best Dbol cycle to achieve maximum results.

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