HOW TO PAY WITH offers several convenient payment options:

Payment methodBitcoin / AltcoinsZelle (USA)Bank Wire TransferPaybis.comRIAMGWesternUnionVENMO (USA)
CryptosZellebank wirePaybisRIAMGWUVenmo
Payment gateway fees00Varies according to your bank9%
(already charged in the checkout below)
$4 - $30
(varies according to the country and the amount of the order)
From 2% and up
(varies according to the country and the amount of the order)
From 2% and up
(varies according to the country and the amount of the order)
Our service charge10% DISCOUNT10% ADD during the checkout+10%0+5%+5%+5%10% ADD during the checkout
Minimum amount$100$200$100$100$100$120$200$200
Receipt of your paymentVery fast24-48h4-6 days24-48h24-48h2-7 days2-7 days24-48h
You can pay by Credit CardOnly for U.S. citizens
You can pay by bank wire transferOnly for U.S. citizens
You can pay from an agency
Available countriesWorldwideOnly for U.S. citizensWorldwideWorldwideWorldwideWorldwideWorldwideOnly for U.S. citizens
Official site / Find an agencyYour online banking


After sending your payment, it is very important that you fill the payment form below so we receive your payment information and we can validate and ship your order:

    My First Name* :

    My LAST NAME* :

    My Country* :

    My email* :

    My order number* :

    Exact amount sent (without transfer fees)* :

    Payment mode* :
    Bitcoin, Paybis, Bitpanda, ...WUMoneyGramRIAZelle / VENMOBank WireWISE EUR

    WU Beneficiary First Name* :

    WU Beneficiary LAST NAME* :

    WU MTCN code* :

    Moneygram Beneficiary First Name* :

    Moneygram Beneficiary LAST NAME* :

    Moneygram Transaction Reference Number* :

    RIA Beneficiary First Name* :

    RIA Beneficiary LAST NAME* :

    RIA Transaction Reference Number* :

    Zelle / VENMO Transaction Reference Number* :

    Sending Bank*

    Transaction Reference Number*

    WISE EUR Transaction Reference Number* :

    WISE USD Transaction Reference Number* :

    Please send us photo or screenshot of payment receipt:

    Please fill the text below: captcha