940 Products

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    Original price was: $160.00.Current price is: $157.00.

    T3 Cytomel is a thyroid hormone that is synthetically manufactured. It plays an active role of stimulating the basal metabolic rate, which, in turn enhances metabolism while at the same time quickening the burning of body fat. It’s perfect for the cutting cycles phase.

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    Endowed with both active anabolic and androgenic properties, Trenbolone Enanthate is the perfect product when looking for extreme lean muscle gains while at the same time ensuring moderate gains in hardness and definition.

  • $157.00

    Dropoetin is a form of protein created to make red blood cells. is used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy or chronic kidney disease.

  • Shipping $50
    Original price was: $200.40.Current price is: $148.20.

    Endurance cycle with Winstrol and Boldenone  steroid injection over 8 weeks.

  • Shipping $53

    Also known as Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, Parabolan is a sedate ester of trenbolone as a well as a very strong androgen. It causes extreme lean muscle growth while at the same time leading to gains in definition and strength. It’s popularly used as a muscle-gaining steroid with no estrogenic side effects.

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    Known in full as Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, SARM’s are the new generation performance enhancers. They work in a similar fashion as anabolic steroids in terms of the benefits but now without any adverse effects on non-targeted body tissues. How SARM’s achieve this is through activating constructive receptors in the nervous system. Through this, users gain dry muscles, burn fats quickly, endure longer while under intense workouts, and are stronger at the end of the cycle.

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    Known in full as Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, SARM’s are the new generation performance enhancers. They work in a similar fashion as anabolic steroids in terms of the benefits but now without any adverse effects on non-targeted body tissues. How SARM’s achieve this is through activating constructive receptors in the nervous system. Through this, users gain dry muscles, burn fats quickly, endure longer while under intense workouts, and are stronger at the end of the cycle.

  • Shipping $25
    Supplier: Euro-Pharmacies
    Chemical Name: Testosterone Enanthate & Trenbolone Enanthate
    Comes In: 10ml vial – 350mg/ml
    Testosterone Enanthate – 200mg
    Trenbolone Enanthate – 150mg
  • Shipping $40

    Anavar, known as Oxandrolone, is used to form a qualitative and relief structure of muscles. It Increases lean muscle, strength and endurance. As anavar does not cause water retention, it greatly improves muscular definition and is often used as a kick-starter and/or a finisher to any cycle due to its ability to ‘dry out’ the physique, making the user appear especially shredded. On Mega-Steroids, you will find some of the most potent versions of Anavar manufactured by top laboratories.

  • Shipping $22

    When looking to minimize liver problems, squeeze 100% benefit of doping products, and bring forth instant bodybuilding results, injectable steroids are your best shot

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    Original price was: $179.00.Current price is: $168.00.

    Oxymetholone alias Oxydrolone is an extremely powerful anabolic that’s also widely regarded as the most potent commercially viable steroid on the market. With it, users can gain muscle in the range of 20-30 pounds in a span of 6 weeks of use. Get the best variant here.

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    When looking to minimize liver problems, squeeze 100% benefit of doping products, and bring forth instant bodybuilding results, injectable steroids are your best shot

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    Original price was: $248.40.Current price is: $169.10.

    Bulking Pack with Oral Dianabol steroids over 6 weeks.

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    Sustanon testosterones comes as a blend comprising of between 3-6 testosterone esters (phenylpropionate, isocaproate, propionate, decanoate, acetate, and cypionate). This mix ensures quick and sustained release of testosterone. It’s common in the bulking cycles where muscle gains and strength are a requirement.

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    Original price was: $194.00.Current price is: $175.00.

    HGH (Somatropin) is well recognized as a fittingly called human growth hormone. Artificial Growth Hormone (HGH) is called HGH (Somatropin) (British: somatrophin). HGH refers to human growth hormone and is also a short form for human GH (Somatotropin) taken from human pituitary glands. A protein produced in the pituitary gland which excites the liver to generate somatomedins, it encourages growth of bone and muscle. HGH remains in the bloodstream for simply a few minutes. However, this is sufficient to inspire its uptake by the liver, generating the creation of Insulin-like growth factor-1. This ingredient is the most plentiful hormone formed by the pituitary gland in the brain. HGH peaks during the rapid-growth phase of adolescence, then progressively declines with age.

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    Original price was: $181.00.Current price is: $175.00.
    Chemical Name:Testosterone, Drostanolone
    Comes In: 10ml vial – 400 mg/ml:
    Testosterone Enanthate 200mg
    Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg
    Dosage: 200-1000mg/week
  • Shipping $53

    Proviron is an incredibly effective enhancer of testosterone and other steroids. It has an undeniable advantage in cutting cycles because of its effectiveness in antagonizing the aromatase enzyme, thereby disrupting its function.

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    Also known as methenolone enanthate, Primobolan Enanthate has its performance comparable to that of testosterone enanthate. When administered, its level in the blood remains high for approximately 2 weeks. It comes off as a powerful lean mass builder and is popular during the cutting cycles.

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    Also known as Fluoxymesterone, Halotestin(Hutech Labs) is one of the most powerful oral anabolic steroid with high level androgenic properties. It’s best suited for enhancing strength and boosting muscle density without necessarily causing huge increases in the muscle mass.

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    It’s commonly accepted that stacking steroids can give you superior, synergistic results compared to solo use, and the GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 combo is evidence of this.

    Both act to release Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which is essential for a plethora of processes key to bodybuilding, from muscle growth to fat loss.

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    Original price was: $189.00.Current price is: $184.00.

    Cabergolin is used by bodybuilders mainly during a steroid cycle to prevent gynecomastia. The compound is also taken to prevent a decrease in libido.

  • Shipping $53
    Original price was: $194.00.Current price is: $184.30.

    Strength gain pack with Oral Anavar steroids over 6 weeks.

  • Shipping $53
    Original price was: $190.00.Current price is: $185.00.

    What makes MGF special is its’ unique role in muscle growth.  MGF has the ability to cause wasted tissue to grow and improve by activating muscle stem cells and increasing the upregulation of protein synthesis, this unique ability can rapidly improve recovery and speed up muscle growth.

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    As a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, Oral Winstrol(Hutech Labs) quickens growth of muscles thanks to its enhanced anabolic properties. What’s more, it prevents water retention and lowers chances of gynecomastia. Besides, it stabilizes blood level making it an excellent solution irrespective of the users’ age.

  • Shipping $53
    Original price was: $198.00.Current price is: $188.10.

    Samarin is not inclued in the pack. Make sure to buy it from another WH in order for the pack to be complete.

    Shredding pack with Winstrol steroids over 6 weeks.