947 Products

  • Shipping $53
    Original price was: $194.00.Current price is: $184.30.

    Strength gain pack with Oral Anavar steroids over 6 weeks.

  • Shipping $53
    Original price was: $190.00.Current price is: $185.00.

    What makes MGF special is its’ unique role in muscle growth.  MGF has the ability to cause wasted tissue to grow and improve by activating muscle stem cells and increasing the upregulation of protein synthesis, this unique ability can rapidly improve recovery and speed up muscle growth.

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    As a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, Oral Winstrol(Hutech Labs) quickens growth of muscles thanks to its enhanced anabolic properties. What’s more, it prevents water retention and lowers chances of gynecomastia. Besides, it stabilizes blood level making it an excellent solution irrespective of the users’ age.

  • Shipping $53
    Original price was: $198.00.Current price is: $188.10.

    Samarin is not inclued in the pack. Make sure to buy it from another WH in order for the pack to be complete.

    Shredding pack with Winstrol steroids over 6 weeks.

  • Shipping $50
    Original price was: $318.00.Current price is: $189.05.

    Pack lean mass with Oral Turinabol steroids over 6 weeks.

  • Shipping $55
    Original price was: $231.00.Current price is: $190.00.

    Growth hormone is specifically designed for active users who want to increase their physical performance. It stimulates growth, cell reproduction and Regeneration in humans. HGH effects on the body highly depend on the dosage, duration but also the frequency of intake.

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    Shipping $25
    Original price was: $156.00.Current price is: $133.95.

    Samarin is not included in this pack, please purchase it from your regular pharmacy.

    Shredding pack with Winstrol steroids over 6 weeks.

  • Shipping $15

    As a derivative of dihydrotestosterone that’s also altered to improve its properties, Oral Masteron is very effective at enhancing lean muscle tissue growth. Normally, before anything else, it comes as a first choice for bodybuilders and athletes who are after a combination of strength and speed.

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    Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $192.00.

    Sildenafil Citrate is a highly effective drug that is used to treat erectile dysfunction. Originally developed by scientists in the United Kingdom, it was brought onto the market by Pfizer Inc., an American pharmaceutical company. Today, Sildenafil is sold under various brand names such as Revatio, Viagra, Ratigra.

  • Shipping $53
    Original price was: $211.00.Current price is: $193.00.

    Testosterone therapy can not only treat hypogonadism, but can also have huge potential to slow or stop the progression of a metabolic syndrome to overt diabetes or cardiovascular disease via the beneficial effects on insulin regulation , lipid profile and blood pressure.

  • Shipping $53
    Original price was: $209.00.Current price is: $194.00.

    Tren Ace is a product exclusively used for the building up of muscle mass and increasing strength, and on the other side effectively cutting down fat. It is a steroid that is oil based and it was originally used for kettle muscle gain.

  • Shipping $55

    Cialis is a highly effective drug that is used to treat erectile dysfunction

  • Shipping $50
    Original price was: $289.40.Current price is: $235.60.

    Shredding pack with Clenbuterol and Winstrol steroids over 10 weeks.

  • Shipping $15

    Nolvadex is a renowned anti-estrogen drug that can help you manage side effects spawned by anabolic-based drugs. It is an excellent drug for bodybuilders beginning a post cycle therapy (PCT) or those almost ending a steroid cycle. Other benefits you’ll get while using this product include constructive metabolism, toned muscles, and quick recovery during training. Mega-Steroids presents to you the best and safest manufacturers from whom to buy Nolvadex products.

  • Shipping $50

    Anavar, known as Oxandrolone, is used to form a qualitative and relief structure of muscles. It Increases lean muscle, strength and endurance. As anavar does not cause water retention, it greatly improves muscular definition and is often used as a kick-starter and/or a finisher to any cycle due to its ability to ‘dry out’ the physique, making the user appear especially shredded. On Mega-Steroids, you will find some of the most potent versions of Anavar manufactured by top laboratories.

  • Shipping $25
    Original price was: $212.00.Current price is: $201.40.

    This pack will allow you to rejuvenate.

  • Shipping $40

    Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), also known as Somatomedin C, is a hormone alike in molecular structure to insulin, which plays an important role in childhood growth, and has anabolic effects in adults.

  • Shipping $15

    Turinabol(Hutech Labs) is a strong derivative of Dianabol. However, the two are different in the sense that the latter shows signs of the estrogenic effects while Turinabol does not. Besides, compared to Dianabol, the level of androgenic activity by Turinabol is a lot less. Even more, it is better positioned at ensuring that there’s a proper anabolic to androgenic effect balance when compared Dianabol. Turinabol is best suited for the first stage and for those who are highly sensitive and exhibit side effects.

  • Shipping $53

    Appearing in the form of Primo-Tabs, Primobolan Acetate (Methenolone Acetate) is a powerful fat burner that’s often used in the cutting cycles. Although it’s administered orally, it’s very friendly to the liver. Besides, it is low in androgen and possesses no estrogenic properties. As a result, it’s touted as one of the safest fat burners on the market.

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    Known in full as Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, SARM’s are the new generation performance enhancers. They work in a similar fashion as anabolic steroids in terms of the benefits but now without any adverse effects on non-targeted body tissues.

    Myostine (YK-11) – This is one of the most popular SARMS on the market.   YK 11 provides the most rapid increase in muscle mass retaining effects even after usage.  YK-11 is a myostatin blocker, which acts as an anti-catabolic compound.

  • Shipping $53
    Original price was: $228.00.Current price is: $210.00.

    Anavar, known as Oxandrolone, is used to form a qualitative and relief structure of muscles. It Increases lean muscle, strength and endurance. As anavar does not cause water retention, it greatly improves muscular definition and is often used as a kick-starter and/or a finisher to any cycle due to its ability to ‘dry out’ the physique, making the user appear especially shredded. On Mega-Steroids, you will find some of the most potent versions of Anavar manufactured by top laboratories.

  • Shipping $28

    Growth hormone is specifically designed for active users who want to increase their physical performance. It stimulates growth, cell reproduction and Regeneration in humans. HGH effects on the body highly depend on the dosage, duration but also the frequency of intake.

  • Shipping $28

    Growth hormone is specifically designed for active users who want to increase their physical performance. It stimulates growth, cell reproduction and Regeneration in humans. HGH effects on the body highly depend on the dosage, duration but also the frequency of intake.

  • Shipping $15

    Anti Estrogen Clomid is a valuable product with a non-hormonal origin. It is used in sports and medicine for various tasks. In sports, this anti-oestrogen is actively used to maintain muscle mass after receiving AC.
    In power sports and bodybuilding, Anti Estrogen Clomid is also a popular drug thanks its ability to block estrogen receptors in body cells without stopping its secretion. It’s also used to enhance production of endogenous testosterone.

  • Shipping $15
    Original price was: $230.00.Current price is: $215.00.

    Proviron is an incredibly effective enhancer of testosterone and other steroids. It has an undeniable advantage in cutting cycles because of its effectiveness in antagonizing the aromatase enzyme, thereby disrupting its function.