Winstrol Pills: A Great Option for Muscle Gain

If you are a novice or beginner user to perform any anabolic steroids; Winstrol is the best choice for you. Winstrol steroids help users to get ripped and provide a lean and harder physique. It is one of the great options for female athletes because it has mild anabolic and androgenic properties.

Winstrol steroid is available in oral (Winstrol pills) and injectable (Winstrol depot) forms. Here in this article, we will discuss the important topics about Winstrol pills that you should learn about and see how these pills are effective and have greater options for muscle mass growth and reducing body fats.

Winstrol pills are not effective anabolic steroids to gain massive muscle mass growth, but according to a clinical research study, they are effective to reduce unwanted body fats.


Overview Of Winstrol Steroid

Winstrol is a 17-alpha-alkylated oral and injectable anabolic steroid that is derived from testosterone. Its 17 aa effects mean that oral Winstrol is highly liver toxic and causes extra strain on the user’s liver. However, Winstrol depots are less liver toxic compared to Winstrol pills, and Winstrol steroids have weak anabolic and powerful androgenic effects.

So, Winstrol for muscle gain is not effective for bulking up, but it provides significant results in a cutting cycle. It has an active half-life of around 8 to 9 hours, and its anabolic to androgenic ratio is around 320:30. Moreover, Winstrol is not an aromatase steroid, so users don’t face any water or fluid retention or gynecomastia until you combine it with other aromatase steroids.

A correct Winstrol pill cycle promotes excellent weight loss while preserving your lean muscle mass gain. It has an excellent ability to maintain or add lean muscle mass, especially during a low-calorie deficit or the cutting cycle. You can buy Winstrol pills from here.



How Does Winstrol Work In The Body?

Winstrol boosts nitrogen retention in the muscle and stimulates protein synthesis, which helps to get quick recovery from several muscle injuries. It has a great ability to add lean muscle mass when you are on a cutting cycle with a low-calorie diet. It also contains glucocorticoid properties that can prevent your muscle wasting. It improves the metabolism process, which promotes quick weight loss.


Benefits Of Using Winstrol Pills

feffrol pills are the best and most effective cutting agents that are widely used for weight loss purposes. It is a mild anabolic androgenic steroid that is helpful to gain a lean and hard physique. Both male and female athletes can use Winstrol steroids to improve their body composition and overall performance.

Here are some common Winstrol pills benefits that are listed below:

  • Add lean muscle mass
  • Excellent for weight loss
  • Improve collagen synthesis
  • Hard and lean physique
  • Reduce SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) levels
  • Quick fat burning
  • Greater strength and stamina
  • Improve muscle endurance
  • Fast recovery rate
  • Improve overall performance
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Improve bone density and strength



Dosage Information Of Winstrol Pills

Winstrol is a mild anabolic androgenic steroid, so both men and women can use these pills to improve their body composition and overall performance. Both users can consume Winstrol doses based on their experience levels. Women need to consume lower doses compared to men. The general Winstrol pills dosage for men is between 25 mg to 100 mg per day, and for female users, 5 mg to 20 mg per day.

→ Winstrol Pills Dosage For Men:

  • Novice male users can take 25 mg per day.
  • Intermediate male users can take 50 mg per day.
  • Advanced male users can take 75 mg per day.

→ Winstrol Pills Dosage For Women:

  • Novice female users can take 5 mg per day.
  • Intermediate female users can take 10 mg per day.
  • Advanced female users can take 15 mg per day.

Note: Winstrol pills are liver toxic, so users just need to take liver protection like Samarin or LIV-52 during the Winstrol pills cycle.


Winstrol Solo And Stack Cycle Information

The typical Winstrol cycle is for 6 to 8 weeks. Users can perform Winstrol solo or stack cycle. Generally, most of the users believe the Winstrol stack cycle is most effective compared to its solo cycle. Here we will discuss the best-recommended Winstrol solo and stack cycle example:

Winstrol Solo Cycle:

Week Novice Users Intermediate Users Advanced Users
Week 1 20 mg per day 30 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 2 20 mg per day 30 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 3 25 mg per day 50 mg per day 75 mg per day
Week 4 25 mg per day 50 mg per day 75 mg per day
Week 5 25 mg per day 50 mg per day 100 mg per day
Week 6 25 mg per day 50 mg per day 100 mg per day


Shredding pack – 6 weeks Oral steroid (Stanozolol) Dragon Pharma


Winstrol Stack Cycle For Dry Mass Gain

Week Winstrol (Oral) Deca-Durabolin Dianabol Samarin
Week 1 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 40 mg per day 2 pills per day
Week 2 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 50 mg per day 2 pills per day
Week 3 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 60 mg per day 2 pills per day
Week 4 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 70 mg per day 2 pills per day
Week 5 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 80 mg per day 2 pills per day
Week 6 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 80 mg per day 2 pills per day
Week 7 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 70 mg per day 2 pills per day
Week 8 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 60 mg per day 2 pills per day
Week 9 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 50 mg per day 2 pills per day
Week 10 100 mg per day 200 mg per week 40 mg per day 2 pills per day


 Winstrol Cutting Stack Cycle For Weight loss

Week Winstrol (Oral) Anavar  Clenbuterol Samarin
Week 1 60 mg per day 30 mg per day 140 mcg per day 2 pills per day
Week 2 60 mg per day 30 mg per day 140 mcg per day 2 pills per day
Week 3 60 mg per day 30 mg per day 140 mcg per day 2 pills per day
Week 4 60 mg per day 30 mg per day 140 mcg per day 2 pills per day
Week 5 60 mg per day N/A 140 mcg per day 2 pills per day
Week 6 60 mg per day N/A 140 mcg per day 2 pills per day


Winstrol And Post-Cycle Therapy

Winstrol is considered as the safest and mild anabolic steroid, so it won’t cause testosterone suppression until you use its higher dose (80 or 80+ mg per day). So, the Winstrol PCT cycle is only required if you perform a heavy Winstrol stack cycle or Winstrol solo cycle with more than 80 mg per day.

Users can perform the Winstrol PCT cycle with top SERM products such as Clomid or Nolvadex.

→ Clomid: 50 mg tablet per day for three weeks
→ Nolvadex: 25 mg tablet per day for three weeks



Winstrol pills are effective drugs to gain a lean and harder physique. It is one of the best options for female and novice male users. Winstrol pills are liver toxic, so always use live precaution during the Winstrol cycle. Most users believe that the Winstrol stack cycle is more effective compared to its solo cycle.

Winstrol is a mild and safest anabolic steroid that does not cause any severe side effects like other anabolic-androgenic steroids. Above, we have mentioned the most recommended Winstrol cycle that you can perform based on your individual requirements.

Get free Winstrol cycle advice  from our coaching experts to achieve your target goals.

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