You All wanted to Know about Tamoxifen Citrate?

Tamoxifen Citrate is also known as Nolvadex. It is prescribed medicine to treat breast cancer or symptoms of breast cancer. A doctor will prescribe its dosage alone or with other medications. Tamoxifen citrate is a selective estrogen receptor modulator which is also called antineoplastics.

Steroids users use Nolvadex as an anti-estrogen drug, and it saves them from various estrogenic side effects that occur due to anabolic steroids. Tamoxifen citrate is an effective medication that helps to combat various anabolic steroids’ side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention and bloating. This article will describe the most important topic about Nolvadex that you should know before using it.


I. What Is Tamoxifen Citrate?

Tamoxifen Citrate is a SERM drug which stands for Selective Estrogen Receptors Modulator. Initially, it was developed to treat breast cancer, and it helps patients to stop spreading cancer to other parts of the body. Professional bodybuilders and athletes use this drug as an anti-estrogen, and this drug has no direct anabolic or androgenic effects.

Tamoxifen Citrate binds to the estrogen receptors and stimulates both luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone in the body. It helps users to boost or restart the production of natural testosterone levels. Steroids users widely use this drug to perform post-cycle therapy after steroid cycles.

It can help them to maintain their hard-earned gain and start the reproduction of testosterone levels that is helpful to counteract various side effects of anabolic steroids. The internet makes it easier for us to buy Tamoxifen citrate online from here.

Tamoxifen Citrate increases FSH and LH production in the body, which results in increasing gonadotropin, estrogen and testosterone production levels in the body. So, it is an effective drug to boost natural testosterone production in the body. It can easily counteract all the negative symptoms of low testosterone levels.


II. What Are The Use Of Tamoxifen Citrate In Bodybuilding?

Nolvadex for bodybuilding is used for various purposes, including:

  • To combat multiple side effects of anabolic steroids
  • To prevent users from gynecomastia
  • As an anti-estrogen drug
  • It helps users to restore or boost testosterone production in the body.
  • It is helpful as a SERM supplement to perform the post-cycle therapy after every anabolic steroids cycle.
  • It increases natural testosterone production.
  • It stimulates FSH and LH production in the body.
  • It prevents users from raising estrogen levels in the body.
  • It helps to maintain a healthy weight.
  • It contains estrogen’s influence on tumours that are caused by this hormone.

Tamoxifen citrate also offers other great benefits to bodybuilders. It greatly increases testosterone levels in the body by stimulating LH and FSH production. It makes this drug an excellent choice for PCT. Nolvadex has concerns about estrogen buildup in the body, which is essential to note that it can have severe side effects towards progesterone-related steroids.


III. The Recommended Dosage Of Tamoxifen Citrate

Tamoxifen Citrate has a long active half-life, so users can take it once or twice a day with or without food. It is available oiin oral form, so users can easily consume it by mouth. The typical dosage range is between 10 mg to 50 mg per day. For bodybuilding purposes, 25 mg per day doses are enough to boost or restart the natural testosterone production.

The ideal PCT cycle is for three weeks. Users can use different supplements such as Nolvadex, Clomid or sometimes HCG. Here is the most recommended Tamoxifen citrate cycle that users can perform:

Week Nolvadex (Beginner ) Nolvadex (Advanced Users)
1 20 mg per day 25 mg per day
2 20 mg per day 25 mg per day
3 10 mg per day 20 mg per day

Note: A high dose and long-term use of Tamoxifen Citrate may cause various side effects, so always avoid it.


Tamoxifen prevents users from gynecomastia.


IV. What Are The Side Effects Of Using Tamoxifen Citrate?

When you take Tamoxifen randomly, it may cause various side effects such as:

  • Vomiting and Nausea
  • Increase bone or tumour pain
  • Hot flashes
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Headache
  • Hair thinning
  • Weight loss
  • Stomach cramps
  • Constipation
  • Loss of sex drive in men
  • Swelling
  • Abdominal pain
  • Mood swings


V. Who Can Not Use Tamoxifen Citrate?

Tamoxifen Citrate may increase the risk of developing cancer. It is always advisable to consult your doctor before using Tamoxifen. If you have any below problem such as:

  • Vision problem
  • Fever
  • Weak muscle
  • Restlessness
  • Blister
  • Unusual bleeding
  • Yellow skin or eye
  • Appetite loss
  • Swelling in ankle, leg, throat and hands

Talk to your doctor and take their advice. Nolvadex is also not advisable for those who have done any recent surgery.


VI. Other Use Of Tamoxifen Citrate

This drug is also sometimes used to induce ovulation in women who don’t produce effects but wish to be pregnant. Sometimes it is used to treat McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS – A condition that causes bone disease, sexual developments and dark skin color in children). It is also used to treat breast cancer and ovarian cancer. It is used to boost or restart natural testosterone production in the male.


VII. Where To Buy Tamoxifen Citrate?

Tamoxifen Citrate or Nolvadex has prescribed medication. Users can buy Tamoxifen Citrate from various websites available on the internet or from any top reputable pharmaceutical company.

The top reputable websites like sell 100% original and high-quality products that directly come from various laboratories.


Example of Tamoxifen available on our site.



Tamoxifen Citrate is also known as Nolvadex. It is an effective SERM drug that steroids users widely use. It is an effective medication to treat breast cancer and ovarian patients. Nolvadex for bodybuilding is used to perform post-cycle therapy after the anabolic steroids cycle.

A good PCT cycle helps users to combat various adverse side effects of steroids. It also maintains the user’s hard-earned gains and starts the reproduction of testosterone levels which was suppressed by using anabolic steroids.

It is necessary to use recommended dose and cycle duration because random use of this drug may cause various adverse side effects. Before taking Tamoxifen Citrate, take freecycle advice from our coaching experts.

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