What are the basic Facts about Anabolic Steroids?

In this modern area or the social media world, everyone’s first preference is their look. Everyone wants to improve their physical appearance with good muscle mass with no extra body fats. So, is it possible to increase muscle mass by performing a proper gym workout and a proper diet plan? Yes, it is possible, but no one knows how much time it takes. But when you use anabolic steroids with your workout and proper diet plan, you will increase your muscle mass three times better than a regular gym workout. Bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic steroids for the past decades.

Initially, Anabolic steroids were used to treat people suffering from various medical conditions such as asthma, breast cancer, AIDs, delayed puberty and other severe medical treatments. Bodybuilders and professional athletes use these drugs to improve their physical appearance and to enhance their performance. It is also called performance-enhancing drugs.


What Are Steroids?

Anabolic steroids are human-made variations of the male sex hormone, such as testosterone. It promotes the growth of skeletal muscle mass and increases lean body mass. It is also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids. The term anabolic refers to build muscle mass, and the term androgenic refers to increase male sex characteristics.

Anabolic steroids come in two forms: Oral steroids and Injectable steroids. The common anabolic steroids name is Gear, Juice, Roids, Stackers, and Arnolds. Many steroids users believe that oral steroids are liver toxic, but it is not true many injectable steroids are also liver toxic. You just need to be careful while using it; you have to use anabolic steroid with protection and post cycle therapy to avoid various side effects. You can find anabolic steroids for sale here.

Bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic steroids for different purposes. Here are some of the most well-known anabolic steroids that are widely used in the bodybuilding and fitness world:

Both men and women can use anabolic steroids. However, women can’t use all the anabolic steroids; they have fewer options compared to men.


An extract of anabolic steroids on Mega-steroid


How Are Anabolic Steroids Taken?

Anabolic steroids are taken orally (pills, tablets, or capsules), or you can use injectable (injection) steroids. Many steroids users use them in the form of cycling. Cycling is the process of starting anabolic steroids with lower doses and increasing them gradually. The general or recommended steroids cycle duration is of 8 to 12 weeks.

To get better results from steroids, bodybuilders and athletes prefer stacking methods. When you intake two or more anabolic steroids together, it is called stacking. And it gives the best results in terms of bodybuilding.


Who Uses Anabolic Steroids?

  • Bodybuilders or professional athletes who want to increase their muscle can use Anabolic steroids.
  • Celebrities or Bodybuilders who want to lose their weight or body fats can use Anabolic steroids.
  • Powerlifters or athletes can use anabolic steroids to improve their performance levels.
  • Patients suffering from various diseases such as breast cancer, HIV, Delayed puberty, and many more can use anabolic steroids.
  • According to a study, a significant rate of anabolic steroids use is among the Canadian youth (aged 16 to 18 years old).


What Are The Positive Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids

According to this study, anabolic steroids usage can increase your skeletal muscle mass. When you properly intake anabolic steroids with protection and post cycle therapy by following proper recommended doses, you will get various benefits of anabolic steroids as mentioned below:

  • Increase muscle mass
  • Weight loss
  • Decrease body fats
  • Improve performance
  • Increase strength and energy
  • Increase bone density
  • Enhance recovery rate
  • Better muscle endurance
  • Increase red blood cells counts
  • Improve metabolism process
  • Useful in several medical treatments
  • Increase in appetite


 Celebritie, Powerlifter, Bodybuilder


What Are The Side Effects Of Using Anabolic Steroids

Long term or high doses of anabolic steroids are always risky; they may cause various side effects that may affect your health. When you intake a high dose of anabolic steroids, it can affect you both physically and psychologically.

Psychological Side Effects

  • Aggression
  • Depression
  • Mania
  • Delusion

Physical Side Effects

  • Liver damage or liver disease
  • Kidney failure or kidney problem
  • Gynecomastia (Increase men’s breast)
  • Baldness (Hair Loss)
  • Increase Acne
  • Hot flashes
  • Fluid retention
  • Headache
  • Reduce sperm count (In men)
  • Suppress testosterone levels
  • Muscle cramps
  • Increase blood pressure and cholesterol level
  • Nausea
  • Shrinking testicles (In men)
  • Deepen voice (In women)
  • Increase the risk of cardiovascular
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Oily skin and scalp


Side effect of anabolic steroids


However, it is not mandatory to feel all the above side effects because it will depend on various factors such as your steroids doses, age, gender, and cycle duration. The good news is you can overcome all the above side effects by using anti-estrogen or protections.

For example, using liver toxic anabolic steroids, you can use various liver protections  such as Samarin (liver protection) or LIV-52. Both these will protect your liver and save you from the various side effects.


Are Steroids Addictive?

According to a recent study, are drugs of abuse and largely used by bodybuilders and athletes to improve their performance level and physical appearance. Anabolic steroids are addictive on two different primary factors:

  • The behaviour of individual
  • The appearance of symptoms

When you use anabolic steroids, people become addicted to its positive effects such as anabolic steroids bodybuilding, better performance, higher energy and stamina. The main thing is the physical appearance that everyone wants to gain in this modern digital (Social media) era.



Everyone knows anabolic steroids usage carry various side effects. But only a few of them know you can counteract all the side effects of steroids by using protections or performing post-cycle therapy. Before taking anabolic steroids, you need to define your goal, or you have to decide for what purpose you’re using them, whether for bulking or cutting programs.

A correct stacking of anabolic steroids can give you phenomenal results in terms of bodybuilding. You can buy anabolic steroids online from the top reputable steroids website. Note that you can only use anabolic steroids if you are older than 21 years. As per our advice, you need to do your full body check-up before taking anabolic steroids, and you have to avoid steroids use if you have any pre-medical condition going on.

If you are confused about any anabolic steroids cycle treatment, you can contact our coaching experts for free advice. They will guide you as per your requirement and also suggest the best steroids stack and cycle doses to achieve your goals.

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