What are the Difference between Prohormones and Steroids

In athletic history, prohormones and steroids have been interlace with one another. It is widely discovered that steroids are used as a performance-enhancing drug, and it gives incredible outcome results or advantages to athletes and bodybuilders. American organic chemist Patrick Arnold gained popularity as the “Father of Prohormones” introduce to the public market as the anabolic steroids compound in the 1990s.
Many bodybuilders and athletes might use prohormones or steroids for numerous reasons. The reasons might be aesthetics to increase lean muscle mass, fat loss, or to improve their performance level. Bodybuilders and athletes use prohormones as a supplement to help them with their bodies. Some of them experience different results using numerous products because each of them has a distinct body composition.
Many people assumed that prohormones are safer to consume regularly to achieve their targeted gains. The weightlifters and athletic people have similar goals, such as increasing their muscle mass, strength and improving their energy and performance level quickly. With these goals in mind, they are using supplements like prohormones or steroids.
In this article, we will cover the essential details about prohormones vs. anabolic steroids, what they are, and which are safer supplements that you can use. Okay, So let us start with the basic definition.


I. What Are Steroids?

Steroids are human-made chemical compounds known as hormones, and that is naturally made in the human body. Steroids are only used to grow your muscle mass and improve your performance, but they are also helpful to reduce inflammation. Steroids have main two functions:

  • Steroids play a vital role in reducing inflammation in your body.
  • Steroids can act on hormone receptors over the body. They trigger hormones such as testosterone to release.

Steroids are also known as corticosteroids. Anabolic steroids are different from them. Bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic steroids to improve their physical appearance and their performance level. Its anabolic and androgenic effects act on muscle and bone tissues and increase male characteristics.If you don’t intake anabolic steroids properly, you may have to deal with several side effects that are risky, and it can damage your internal body parts. So, we always recommended you to take advice from our coaching experts before taking anabolic steroids treatments. It is essential to follow proper instruction and dosage cycle to get the best results with fewer or no side effects.
Anabolic steroids are banned in some countries. Despite that, people used to buy steroids online. You can buy anabolic steroids from reputable steroids sites like upsteroids.com. Here are some of the most popular steroids that are available:

Each of them has different pros & cons. You can use them alone, or you can use them with other anabolic steroids. Steroids give you incredible results but make sure you follow proper dosage cycles to avoid several side effects. Before taking them, you need to do a complete body check-up to make sure everything is okay, and if you have any pre-medical treatment going on, you can’t use steroids. We recommended you to take steroids only if you are older than 21 years. Now let’s check some common anabolic steroids.

II. Common Anabolic Steroids:

Anabolic steroids come in two forms:

  • Injectable steroids (Injectable): Testosterone, Nandrolone, Trenbolone, Primobolan
  • Oral Steroids (Pills, tablets, or capsule): Anavar, Winstrol, Dianabol, Anadrol



III. What Is Prohormone?

A prohormone is a substance that the body converts into a hormone by diffusing enzymes. When a prohormone like dehydroepiandrosterone enters into the body, it has little effect on its own. But when it is converted into testosterone or estradiol, its effects become limitless. Some people believe that prohormones are the same as steroids. In that way, both have similarities, but the former is a weak version of anabolic steroids. It means prohormones are a little risky and safer option compared to steroids.
Prohormones can improve the bioavailability of hormones that can’t take orally, or they don’t respond well to injection. Prohormones allow you to decide which hormones you want to affect. For example, if you want to see androgenic features caused by testosterone, then you can consume prohormones for testosterone. And it would react as if they were producing this much. Testosterone is a hormone, and they are responsible for muscle growth. That’s why prohormones and testosterone are so popular.
Those who don’t want to take steroids they preferred prohormones. When you consume prohormones, it allows your body to regulate the quantity that is converted into actual hormones. Here are some common prohormones including:

  • 1-andro
  • 4-andro
  • EpiAndrosterone
  • 1,4-OHP
  • 1,4-Andro
  • 5aOHP
  • 5-ANDRO


IV. Which Is Safer?

Steroids are more dangerous compared to prohormones. They both can cause several possible side effects, but steroids can cause a more serious health risk and problems. If you intake steroids properly, it will give incredible results. Still, if you take a higher dosage of steroids or do not follow the recommended dosage cycle, it will carry severe health issues such as liver damage, stroke, kidney failure, and many more.
On the other hand, prohormones have much fewer side effects. Well, not all the prohormones are completely safe. If you overstimulate certain hormones, many of them can cause similar problems to steroids. When you use both of them with the proper dosage, it will give the best results. Similarly, both of them carry several side effects but again, it depends on the dosage and how you consume them. Here are some of the side effects that you may have to face when you consume prohormones and steroids:


  • Headache
  • Mood swings
  • Gynecomastia
  • Hepatotoxicity
  • Low libido
  • High blood pressure
  • Water retention


  • Liver damage
  • Mood swings
  • Gynecomastia
  • Kidney failure or kidney diseases
  • Aromatization
  • Water retention
  • Virilization in women
  • Baldness (Hair Loss)
  • Increase Acne

V. Conclusion

Prohormones are safer because the body has mechanisms to prevent them from producing too many hormones. When you take steroids, it will directly affect your hormonal receptor sites. There is no mechanism to tell the receptors to stop responding to direct stimulation. If you take too many prohormones, your body will attempt to regulate production and limit the total amount of hormones. That’s why it’s safer to use prohormones instead of anabolic steroids.
Here are some key points for prohormones and steroids:

  • Prohormones are predecessors to hormones that exist in a nominal reactive state. On the other hand, Steroids originally state with complex carbon structure in the core.
  • Prohormones are enzymatic substances, whereas Steroids are terpenoid lipids.
  • Prohormones are only found in human beings, but Steroids can find in animals, plants, and fungi.
  • Methyl1-testosterone and Proinsulin are some of the common prohormones, while corticosteroids anabolic steroids are some of the common steroids.

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