Proven Ways to Boost Testosterone Naturally

One naturally occurring hormone that bodybuilders yearn for because of its ability to help with weight gain and the development of muscle mass is testosterone. Testosterone is sex hormone that is produced by the testicles in men, ovaries in women and also in small amounts by the adrenal glands located just above the kidneys in both genders.

While the level of testosterone produced by the human body is in limited amounts, there are synthetic testosterone that can be used by bodybuilders. The synthetic testosterone hinders the natural production of testosterone in the body while raising the level of artificial testosterone in the bloodstream. However, if you are a bodybuilder and you are not ready to use synthetic testosterone hormones, then you may be interested in these ways to boost testosterone naturally.

How to Boost Testosterone Naturally

There are several ways to boost testosterone levels naturally, but here are five worth mentioning in this post that should be of interest to bodybuilders.

#1: Rest and Sleep:

One way that bodybuilders can boost their testosterone level is by getting lots of quality rest and sleep. Now the amount of quality sleep that you require may be different to that required by another person. However, there have been a number of studies conducted to prove that there is a direct correlation between the number of hours sleep you get at night and your testosterone level. In one study, it was proven that people who slept for just 4 hours every night for a specified period of time had very low testosterone levels.

Also, those test subjects that slept for about 5 hours every night for the duration of the test had their testosterone level reduced by as much as 15%. In another research it was discovered that sleeping for more than 6 hours every night led to a rise in the testosterone levels of the test subjects by as much as 15%.

While admittedly there are rare cases of individuals that seem to be just fine without much sleep time, the general consensus is that a good quality sleep time of between 7 to 10 hours every night is one of the ideal ways to boost testosterone naturally. Also, apart from improving your testosterone level, good quality rest and sleep is needed for good long-term health.

#2: Regular Workouts:

Regular workouts are probably something that all bodybuilders, new and experienced do anyway and it is one of the most effective ways to boost testosterone as well as to prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

In a study, it was discovered that individuals that had a regular exercise routine were more likely to experience an increase in their testosterone levels in addition to having better reaction time and fitness levels.

Consistent workouts are how to boost testosterone naturally and resistance training routines like weight lifting is seen as one of the most effective forms of workouts that bodybuilders can do to raise their testosterone levels. Note that every form of exercise will help to boost your testosterone level. So you can engage in high intensity training, as this is seen as being the best type of exercise routine to raise your testosterone in the short as well as long-term.

#3: Ways to Boost Testosterone with a Good Dietary Plan:

The food you consume can greatly influence your testosterone level. This is why having a good dietary plan is an essential part of how to boost testosterone without the help of steroids. You should know that overeating or going on regular dieting regimes will hamper your natural testosterone production and level. However, by consuming sufficient amounts of protein, you will be able to maintain a decent testosterone level while also burning toxic fat in the process.

Consuming good amounts of carbohydrates will also raise your testosterone level especially when you engage in resistance training as well. While protein amounts and carbs are great for your testosterone level, do not neglect the importance of healthy fats to not just your testosterone level, but all your general health. To boost your testosterone level, make sure to maintain a healthy diet consisting of a combination of carbs, protein, and good fats. Also, avoid overeating and going on frequent dieting.

#4: Vitamin D and other Mineral Supplements Help:

Vitamin D has become one of the most sought after vitamins in the world. This vitamin can be derived from the Sun as well as from the use of vitamin supplements. Vitamin D is a natural testosterone boosting vitamin and in one study it was shown that administering vitamin D3 (as much as 3,000 IU) daily will raise your testosterone level by as much as 25%.

Studies have shown that zinc is one mineral that helps to raise the testosterone levels in bodybuilders and athletes. So if you are looking for ways to boost testosterone using mineral supplements, make sure that your supplement is rich in both zinc and vitamin D.

Tribulus Terrestris Supplement

In Ayurveda medicine, Tribulus terrestris is one herb that comes highly recommended for boosting the natural production of testosterone. This herb is believed to also help with improving male sexual health. Tribulus terrestris will boost libido, vitality and virility while also improving the urogenital and cardiovascular health of users.

Available in pills, the recommended dosage of Tribulus terrestris is 250 mg taken 2 or 3 times daily. Apart from boosting testosterone other bodybuilding benefits of Tribulus terrestris include:

  • It boosts the production of oxygen carrying red blood cells in the body, thereby enhancing stamina and endurance levels,
  • Tribulus terrestris increases blood circulation in the muscles and relieves muscle fatigue,
  • This herb increases nitrogen retention, and
  • It also instigates protein synthesis.

#5: Regulate and control your Stress as well as Cortisol level:

The long-term health concerns caused by stress are well documented. Whenever your cortisol levels rise it has an adverse effect on your level of testosterone which significantly drops. In addition to this, the rise in your cortisol level will cause you to consume more food and overeat which can greatly disrupt your natural testosterone production and current level.

To regulate your stress and cortisol level, you should maintain a balanced diet, get good sleep and rest, exercise regularly and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Once you can keep your stress levels in check, your testosterone levels will be improved and indeed, so also would your overall health be better off.

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