SARMs vs Trenbolone: Can I Stack Trenbolone with SARMs?

It is widely believed that over 50% of bodybuilders use one form of performance enhancing drug (PED) or another.

What is scary is that this is a conservative estimation and the real figure could be closer to 70%. But even more worrying is the fact that a vast majority of PED users are either bodybuilding beginners or persons wanting to experiment with PEDs.

The problem here is that, more likely than not, these individuals will resort to relying on information obtained via the internet with regards to cycling and dosing. This is a dangerous trend indeed.

There are many types of PEDs and many more reasons why people use them. However, the most common reason why bodybuilders use PEDs is for bulking and the improvement of strength, energy, stamina, power, and endurance levels.

Of the many PEDs out there, two types readily stand out as a must-have for the bodybuilding reasons highlighted. These are Trenbolone Acetate (Tren) and Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, otherwise known simply as SARMs.

Both PEDs can boost protein synthesis in your skeletal muscle to promote growth while also increasing the production of oxygen carrying red blood cells in your body to boost your energy and endurance levels.

One question that is frequently asked by novice, intermediate and advanced bodybuilders is whether Tren can be stacked with SARMs for bodybuilding. This post seeks to answer this question and others, so that you are well aware of what to expect if or when you decide to run a Tren and/or SARMs cycle.


SARMs vs Trenbolone: Which is best?

There’s been a lot of debate over which is better – SARMs for bodybuilding or Trenbolone Acetate online (because most bodybuilders buy Trenbolone from online sources). However, in order to answer this question, it is best to compare these two PEDs along the lines of the two primary reasons why bodybuilders choose to use them in the first place – that is, for bulking and cutting.

SARMs Vs Tren: Fat Loss Comparison

The breakdown of fat stores for energy while keeping muscle mass intact is what we mean when we talk about fat loss.

The process of fat loss occurs when free fatty acids (FFA) are produced as a result of fat in fat cells being broken down by lipase and released directly into the bloodstream, where they can freely circulate and be oxidized for energy through the Krebs cycle.

Now in comparing SARMs to Tren for fat loss, you should know that Trenbolone’s potency as an androgenic-anabolic steroid (AAS) is five times greater than that of ordinary testosterone.

Tren has also been proven over time to have a remarkable impact on body composition, indicating that it will help you lose fat in a remarkably efficient manner.

This may be the only pure AAS that will truly help you to shed fat, however some thermogenics may be more effective.

On the other hand, SARMs are not a singular substance.

SARMs actually come in a wide range of forms and examples, each of which performs a unique function. There are SARMs that are more effective in boosting stamina than others while some SARMs may be more useful for muscle building and other more effective in promoting fat loss

Speaking of which, there is just one Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator that has shown itself to be effective in directly promoting fat loss and that SARM is Caradine.

Caradine is known to promote Beta Oxidation in fat cells and deregulate glucose metabolism. It is also worth noting that lipolysis can also be significantly boosted by using MK 677, which by the way is not a SARM.

But in comparing SARMs to Trenbolone for fat loss, it must be said that the latter will come out on top making you look leaner and dryer.

Comparison of SARMs and Trenbolone for Muscle Gain

To put it plainly, achieving hypertrophy is a really challenging task for any bodybuilder and many bodybuilders use performance-enhancing drugs like Trenbolone and SARMs in their pursuit of this ideal.

Hypertrophy is generally defined as the transformation of caloric intake into skeletal muscle and there has been much research on muscle gain, and both SARMs and Trenbolone were created for the express purpose of promoting muscle growth. So SARMs and Trenbolone are both effective ways to put on muscle without adding fat.

But when compared to Trenbolone, SARMs just cannot deliver the same level of muscle growth.

Simply put, Tren is extremely potent and will exponentially increase your results. However, it is imperative to use extra caution when using Trenbolone because of the potential damage it could cause to your body.



Do SARMs work as well as Anabolic Steroids?

It is well-known in the bodybuilding community that the more severe the side effects, the more effective the compound will be at promoting lean skeletal muscle mass gain.

While admittedly there’s no hard scientific evidence to back this assertion, but a closer look at the two PEDs in question seem to support this conclusion.

SARMs were created because medical professionals noticed that some patients, particularly women and children, were experiencing serious negative reactions to medical steroids, prompting them to seek out alternatives.

SARMs were the alternatives, so it goes without saying that they are a watered-down version of AAS.

So in other words, the androgen receptors will not be tightly bound by SARMs, and the resultant expression on skeletal muscle protein synthesis will not be the same in comparison to AAS.

This means that anabolic steroids will continue to be the drug of choice among bodybuilders looking to rapidly build skeletal muscle mass which means that anabolic steroids like Trenbolone will offer more muscle building benefits than SARMs.

However, SARMs are great for new bodybuilders (male and female) looking for a milder PED that will have less side effects to worry about.


SARM Types and Examples Compared to Trenbolone Online Steroids


  • Trenbolone offers fat loss advantages
  • Tren will have a far greater impact on muscle development than any SARM now available
  • As for strength and aggression, Tren offers a greater amount of exogenous testosterone for mind-blowing results in this regard

Vs. LGD 4033

  • Trenbolone is more effective than Ligandrol for increasing fat loss
  • When compared to LGD 4033, Trenbolone will have a far greater anabolic effect
  • Trenbolone will increase strength well beyond that of any SARM now available

Vs. Cardarine

  • Cardarine may arguably be more effective than Tren for fat loss
  • The muscle-building effects of cardarine are minimal
  • Trenbolone will increase strength well beyond that of any SARM now available

Vs. Ostarine

  • Tren may aid fat loss by increasing metabolism, but in truth both Tren and Ostarine are not the greatest options available for promoting fat loss
  • Trenbolone will result in greater muscle growth than Ostarine
  • Trenbolone will increase strength well beyond that of any SARM now available

Vs. MK677

  • Compared to Trenbolone, MK 677 is more effective at promoting fat reduction
  • Muscle gains cannot be expected to be dramatic while using MK 677 And Tren offers far more skeletal muscle building gains
  • Trenbolone will increase strength well beyond that of any SARM now available

Vs. YK11

  • Compared to Trenbolone, YK 11 wouldn’t do much for fat loss
  • Even though YK 11 is the most potent SARM, it does not outperform Trenbolone in terms of muscle growth
  • Trenbolone will increase strength well beyond that of any SARM now available

Vs. Andarine

  • When compared to Trenbolone, the fat-burning effects of Andarine are negligible
  • When comparing Trenbolone with Andarine for muscle growth, Trenbolone is clearly the superior choice
  • Trenbolone will increase strength well beyond that of any SARM now available

Vs. RAD 140

  • Contrasted with Trenbolone, RAD 140’s ineffectiveness at promoting weight loss is clear
  • Trenbolone is a far superior muscle-builder compared to RAD 140
  • Trenbolone will increase strength well beyond that of any SARM now available



SARMs vs Trenbolone Possible Side Effects & Benefits

SARMs side effects:

  • SARMs is a capable of causing acne
  • SARMs may also lead to erectile dysfunction
  • SARMs may lead to male pattern baldness
  • SARMs may lead to a temporary halt in the natural production of testosterone
  • SARMs may put a strain on vital organs like the liver and kidneys, especially if misused
  • SARMs may increase your estrogen levels which can lead to gynecomastia (male boobs)

Benefits of SARMs:

  • SARMs can help with cholesterol management
  • SARMs like Caradine can promote fat loss
  • SARMs can promote skeletal muscle gain by boosting protein synthesis
  • SARMs will help in boosting strength and energy levels by increasing RBC count

Trenbolone side effects:

  • Tren can lead to a reduction in endogenous testosterone production
  • When compared to selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), Trenbolone is more taxing on the liver
  • When you inject Trenbolone, your cholesterol levels may skyrocket
  • Trenbolone has been linked to male pattern balding in some users
  • Tren may have an adverse effect on your vital organs including your kidneys
  • Contrary to popular belief, trenbolone does increase prolactin, but not estrogen
  • Acne is one of the side effects of Trenbolone use
  • Trenbolone can have a profound effect on libido


Benefits of Trenbolone:

  • Tren will boost protein synthesis and greatly promote skeletal muscle gain
  • Trenbolone will boost energy and strength levels by increasing oxygen-rich red blood cells in your body
  • Tren will reduce the rate of lactic acid accumulation in your skeletal muscles thereby boosting your endurance levels
  • Tren will promote skeletal muscle recovery
  • Tren is great for providing bodybuilders a lean, dry and toned up physique


Result of trenbolone treatment



Studies have demonstrated that SARMs are far safer than Trenbolone albeit less effective. Trenbolone is a potent anabolic steroid that will aid both fat loss and skeletal muscle gains. However, bodybuilders are advised to thread the path of caution as Tren can potentially cause several adverse side effects.

If you want to get in shape, SARMs might be the way to go if you are a greenhorn to bodybuilding. However, for intermediate and/or advance bodybuilders, running a Tren cycle should suffice.

So can you stack SARMs with Tren? The answer is Yes – but only under the guidance of your personal trainer and only after you have undergone a thorough medical checkup beforehand. If you want more information on the different types of SARMs for bodybuilding that you could use plus information on a standalone cycle or stack, you can reach out to an IFBB PRO here for free today.

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