How to Reduce Acne from Steroids?

The anabolic steroids health risk is associated with high dose and long term use. It may cause numerous side effects, and Acne is one of them. Steroids acne is most commonly found on the shoulders, back and face. When you take anabolic steroids, Acne appears on various parts of your body. Acne occurs because the sebaceous glands on the skin secrete more oils due to higher androgen levels in your body. Steroids increase the oil levels on your skin; they may cause severe acne.


I. What Are Steroids?

Steroids are synthetic versions that were developed for medical treatment. There are two different forms of steroids: Anabolic steroids and Corticosteroids. It was originally prescribed to patients suffering from delayed puberty or muscle loss due to various diseases such as cancer. Steroids are anti-inflammatory medicine used to treat autoimmune diseases like lupus and different allergies. Steroids are available in different forms, such as oral steroids, injectable steroids, creams, and gel.

Professional bodybuilders and athletes use Anabolic steroids to improve their physical appearance and overall strength. Anabolic steroids give incredible benefits in terms of bodybuilding when you consume them correctly. You can find anabolic steroids for sale here. Before using corticosteroids or anabolic steroids, you need to consult your doctor, and you can take doses as per their advice. High doses and long term use of steroids may cause various side effects.


The two forms of steroids: oral and injectable


II. Do You Get Acne By Using Steroids?

Acne is one of the common side effects that many experienced steroids users may face. According to this study, 43% of users experienced acne as a consequence of androgen use. When you intake anabolic steroids, it stimulates sebaceous glands and produces more oil.

Acne appears or disappears upon cessation of androgen administration. Acne is swelling of oil glands under skin and hair roots. It is similar to pimples, zits and spots. All ages and both genders may face steroid acne. When you take or inject anabolic steroids, acne may appear on your chest, face, arms, back and neck.


III. Different Types Of Steroids Acne

Steroids acne may be mild or severe, but it depends on anabolic steroids doses. Different types of steroids may occur due to high doses of steroids. Here are the types of steroids Acne as mentioned below:

  • Nodules: This type of acne has much larger pink or red bumps underneath the skin than other acne forms. Nodules are very painful and very tender when brushed or touched upon.
  • Comedones: It is blackheads and whiteheads that may be closed or open. It is more difficult to get out of this acne because it tends to stay in the skin for a long time.
  • Pseudocysts: Pseudocysts are extra-large acne and spread beneath the skin that appears bubbly. It is one of the most ravaging types of acne. Pseudocysts may temporarily appear to deform on your face.
  • Pustules: Pustules are one of the most common forms of acne in general. It is not only for steroids users. Red and inflamed spots and host white pus on the tips.

Anabolic steroids not only cause various acne, but dark spots are another long-lasting effect of these oily inflammations. Many of them temporarily occur and quickly disappear once you stop using it.


The different sorts of acne


IV. Possible Negative Side Effects Of Steroids

It is essential to follow steroids recommended dosage and cycle duration because high doses and long term use of steroids may cause various side effects. If you use prolonged steroids, it may cause numerous side effects, as mentioned below:

  • Increase acne
  • Risk of cardiovascular
  • Mood swings
  • Liver toxic
  • High blood pressure
  • Oily skin
  • Hair loss
  • Gynecomastia
  • Hormonal imbalance

Steroid side effects are different in men and women. However, it is not necessary that you will face all the above side effects because it depends on various factors such as your age, gender, steroids dose, and cycle duration. The good news is that you can overcome all the above side effects with protection. When you take anabolic steroids with protection and perform post-cycle therapy, you will face minimum or no side effects.


V. Anti-Acne Solutions

As we said earlier, you can easily overcome steroids’ side effects. The same goes for steroid acne. Here are the best steroid acne solutions that help you to reduce steroid acne.

  • Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is the best solution that helps to kill oily acne bacteria and reduce inflammation beneath your skin. It is widely used in tandem with various antibiotics.

  • Antibiotics

Antibiotics such as doxycycline, minocycline and tetracycline can be beneficial for mild steroids acne. You can pair antibiotics with benzoyl peroxide. After using it, results vary, but you can get clear skin within three to six months.

  • Accutane

Accutane is a one-stop solution to remove acne and long-term maintenance. You don’t have to try other antibiotics and other solutions because Accutane includes all in one package.

VI. How To Get Rid Of Acne From Steroids With Accutane

Accutane is one of the best solutions that significantly help to reduce oily inflammation, known as dreaded acne. Isotretinoin brand name is Accutane. It contains a unique form of vitamin A which encourages your healthy skin renewal and recovery. Accutane supports long-lasting healthy, and fresh skin. Remember that it is not an overnight and super quick solution. You have to wait and constantly use Accutane for at least four to six months. You will experience the first signs of forward progress around one month.

Note that you have to avoid long-term use of Accutane because if a pregnant lady uses it, it may harm her baby or face congenital disabilities. So, it is advisable not to take Accutane treatment during your pregnancy or plan for a child. You can take Accutane’s dose as 0.5 mg to 1.0 mg per day. It is divided into two portions with food. If you take it without food, it may cause nausea and make you uncomfortable. You can use Accutane for at least 15 weeks because it takes time to heal, and you can feel the acne’s progress.

If you use Accutane for more than three quarters and acne is gone, you can feel free to stop using it. If you don’t face any progress, you can use them for 20 weeks. If your acne persists, you can use Accutane for a two-month hiatus and then restart the 15-week cycle.



Anabolic steroids for bodybuilding are widely popular in the bodybuilding world. Don’t let the negative side effects of steroids ruin your life. The various side effects like acne, nausea, mood swings and many others can affect your health. So, always follow recommended dosage cycles with protection. Steroid acne can be mild or severe, but it depends on steroids doses and how long you are using them.

Many of them are temporary, so no need to worry. Above, we have given a solution on how you can overcome these side effects. If you have any questions regarding the steroids cycle, you can contact our coaching expert anytime. They will guide you to the best steroid cycle with minimum side effects.

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