What are the Best tips for Speed Up Muscle Growth in 2025?

Building muscle mass and improving physical appearance, you need to work harder. It is not the easy workout as we think. It is a slow and frustrating process with lots of workout sessions and appropriate diet plans. If you are not seeing any results from month to month, this is a sign that you are not approaching it properly. Over time you need to follow new tactics and strategies, or we can say you have to follow different stages of muscle growth for consistent muscle mass growth.

In this article, you can find the best tips for muscle growth that will help you to develop your muscle mass quickly. Let’s check the best tips for speed your muscle mass growth:


#1. Have A Protein Shake Before Workout

Based on the research study post-workout protein shake will help you to restore your body’s glycogen stores. It also promotes recovery through the protein system. This protein shake will provide you with enough energy for your training workout. According to the study, protein shake prevents muscle catabolism or the breakdown of muscle tissue. If you take a protein shake before your workout session, it will help you to build muscle mass quickly.



#2. Eat More Protein

An appropriate amount of calories is a must to grow your muscle mass. So, the most important nutrients in your diet should be protein. Protein is made of molecules called amino acids, and this can be used as the backbone of your muscle mass. Amino acid is referred to as the building block of muscle tissue. So, it is necessary to take an appropriate amount of protein in order to get good muscle mass growth.

Based on the research study, they advise eating 0.7 grams of protein per pound (KG) of body weight. This will help you to prevent your muscle breakdown while promoting an anabolic environment for muscle mass growth. Remember, an appropriate muscle gain diet always helps you to build muscle mass. For example, your weight is 68 kg (150 pounds), you should regularly eat 150 grams of protein. You can use the food supplements according to that.


#3. Increase Your Workout Training Volume

Your number of reps multiplied by your number of sets is a primary determinant of muscle mass growth. In general, we can also say that your muscle mass volume is defined as your workload, how many sets and repetitions you’re doing during your workout session. Note that greater workout volume is important for producing superior effects on muscle fibers’ size.

According to the research study, you need to focus on two or three workouts for major muscle groups such as legs and backs and one to two exercises for smaller muscles such as calves and biceps. You can perform three to five sets of 8 to 12 repetitions for exercise.


#4. Set Rest Timing Every Other Day

Continuous workout in the gym is not possible. Your body needs time to get repaired to build new muscle mass tissues. You need to take rest periods of 30 to 90 sec to encourage a quick release of the muscle-building hormone. Resting is an essential factor in growing your muscle mass. Unfortunately, many bodybuilders or athletes negate it largely. When you do exercise, it creates microscopic tears in your muscles.

These tears are part of the muscle-building process. When you take a rest, it repairs your fibroblast cells. And the final result will help you to grow your muscle mass better. Sufficient sleep is also required because when you sleep, the pituitary gland releases growth hormone, which in turn stimulates your body to produce insulin like growth factor: hormones essential for muscle repair.



#5. Limit Your Cardio Activity

To get more effective results in muscle mass growth, you need to limit your cardio exercise. When you perform an excess cardio exercise, you can work against it because it burns more calories than your weight training. It can also put you in a caloric deficit. The optimal form of cardio is short duration and quick burst exercise. High-intensity training is a great cardio workout, but you should perform it only twice a week. Your training focus should be weightlifting.


#6. Be Consistent

Consistency is the most important thing on all the above lists because if you are not consistent in your performance workout, you won’t be able to grow your muscle mass. Every workout planning should be well-organized with consistency and a proper diet plan, including rest time. This will help you to get success in building muscle mass. People who consistently work in the gym and consistently get hard training can achieve success no matter what life throws at them. Note that it should be in the proper manner with proper tactics or strategy.


#7. BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids)

Amino acids are responsible for building blocks of amino acids and these proteins are responsible to make up the body structure. Amino acids are supplied from diet or naturally produced in the body. BCAAs give several benefits such as delay fatigue during prolonged exercise, Improve aerobic and anaerobic performance when taken regularly, forty immune systems, protect your lean muscle mass, promote protein muscle synthesis, and reduce muscle damage during exercise.


Supplement For Muscle Growth

Supplements are a common factor in growing your muscle mass. When you take an appropriate amount of supplements, that will help you to grow your muscle mass faster. In short, you need to follow a muscle growth diet that will help you to increase your muscle mass. Here are the most common supplements that will help you to grow your muscle mass:

  • Creatine

Our body can make around 1 gram of creatine naturally, but supplementing it with other drugs can give you several benefits, results and your performance. Based on a research study, creatine can increase your energy, performance and promote your muscle mass growth.

  • Whey Protein

This study has confirmed that whey protein supplements can increase your protein synthesis and improve your muscle mass. It supports overall muscle mass growth. Whey protein is a cheese product that is filtered and comes in flavored.

  • Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids or Anabolic Androgenic steroids can help you to increase your skeletal muscles in a short duration. They are human-made drugs mainly derived from testosterone. It mimics the properties of testosterone in the body. The major factor of steroids is to stimulate your skeletal muscle cells. Anabolic steroids will increase protein synthesis and boost collagen that increases your bone density and bone structure. Which results in muscle mass gains. It is one of the best supplements that help you to increase your muscle mass quickly. Here are the top anabolic steroids that are used to increase your muscle mass:


It will be so frustrating if you are hitting the gym regularly but not getting any positive results. So, you need to work smarter to build muscle mass quickly. Without any planning or correct supplements, you waste your time and money only. So, follow the correct tips and choose the best supplements to achieve your targeted results. If you follow the correct tricks, you will definitely achieve your results.

To get success, you need to stay consistent and push yourself harder during your workout. You also need to eat healthy calories with proteins. The correct supplements like anabolic steroids can help you to get more effective results in terms of bodybuilding. So, if you need any advice from our professional coaching experts, you can contact us anytime without any hesitation.

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