Everything need to know about Roid Gut and their Causes

In the bodybuilding and fitness world, most users use anabolic steroids and various supplements to improve their physical appearance and enhance their performance level. There is nothing wrong with trying different things to reach your desired body look. But when it comes to supplements or steroids use, you need to be careful about their cause and unwanted effects.

Roid gut is one of these effects that every bodybuilder wants to avoid. It is also known as the Steroid gut. The name itself can describe a roid gut that has some problems with the abdominal area. When you take steroids or other supplements together, it can cause Palumbosim. The gut usually takes on a round stomach appearance that is not appealing to huge muscles. In this article, we will discuss everything about the Roid gut and its causes.


What Is Roid Gut?

Roid gut occurs when your muscles on the sides of the abdomen. It is also known as your oblique muscles, thicken and make it harder for a bodybuilder to hold them in their stomach or rectus abdominis muscles. It is also referred to as:

  • Palumbosim
  • Bubble gut
  • Steroid gut
  • Muscle gut
  • Human growth hormone gut
  • Insulin gut
  • Bodybuilder’s belly
  • HGH bloat

This bodybuilder’s belly occurs in men, not women. Roid gut appears unnaturally bloated in proportion to his chest. Keep reading to learn why it occurs.


An example of Bubble gut


Why Some Bodybuilders Develop Steroid Guts?

Steroid guts or Palumbosim appears to only affect bodybuilders in a rare condition, especially during the bodybuilding various competition trends for massive muscularity in the 1990s 2000s. According to Health Research Policy, the contributing factors for roid gut are likely a combination of a rigorous regimen of bodybuilding training that combined with:

  • Use of Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
  • Insulin use
  • High calorie and high carb diet

However, there are no medical studies on roid gut, so most of the data is based on anecdotal evidence.


What Substances Can Accelerate Roid Gut Development?

According to study, they observed muscle growth in two parts:

  • Observational study of freshman and senior football players
  • An intervention study

In the above study, they have noted that seniors weighted on an average 17kg more than freshmen due to bulking protocols and resistance training. They also noted their liver, hearts, and kidneys were significantly heavier and increased fat and muscle. The second study tried the same thing and observed similar results as the first study. Here are the three substances that can accelerate roid gut development. Let’s see them one by one:

#1:  Insulin

Insulin helps us to absorb nutrients and sugar into our bloodstream. It is best known for its relationship with diabetes. Bodybuilders loved to use insulin because of its high anabolic effects. It can help to absorb more protein and sugar from your blood. When this is combined with increased protein synthesis, it will be ideal for bodybuilders for bulking and to develop muscle mass and improve their energy levels. Insulin can cause lots of water retention but don’t worry; it won’t stay for long.

#2: Human Growth Hormone

HGH plays a vital role in our bodies. At a young age, they help us to grow and improve our body functionality. HGH is responsible for muscle growth, increased stamina, body weight gain or weight loss, and many other functions. Not only muscle growth but it also increases the size of other body parts such as feet, hand, face and organs. All this growth will cause in your stomach and make it bigger.




HGH 10 x 10IU – Ultima Pharma

HGH (Somatropin) is well recognized as a fittingly called human growth hormone.

Let’s check the HGH category





#3: Anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids have very little to do with the roid gut. But this doesn’t mean they are innocent. When you use anabolic steroids for cutting or bulking cycles, they will bolster the effects of HGH and insulin on stomach growth. So, you need to be careful of what you are taking in your body. Because if you use them randomly, it may create worse situations.


Tips For Healthy And Natural Bodybuilding

If you want to lose steroid gut or if you’re thinking how to fix roid guts, then the easiest way is to avoid insulin, HGH and testosterone. Instead of them, you can adopt a healthier body with natural ways and build your muscle mass.

  • Plan your workout session according to your goal
  • Follow a strict diet as per your goal (Your diet plan would be based on your goal)
  • Take Rest
  • Take enough sleep

You can also consult your doctor or any experts for better tips.


A balanced diet according to the goal.


Safe Option That Can Help To Build Muscle Mass Without Side Effects

When you use various supplements or anabolic steroids, you have to use them carefully. If you use any anabolic steroids with protection and perform post-cycle therapy and follow recommended doses and their cycle, you will face minimal or no side effects. So, always use these supplements and steroids smartly with protection.


How Can a Roid Gut Be Treated?

There are no clinical study reports on the Roid gut, which means there is no recommended treatment for the roid gut. The common logic suggests that it is to rest your body from overexertion and stop using unnatural additions such as HGH, anabolic steroids and insulin. You can also consult a specialized doctor in muscular conditions or coaching experts in the bodybuilding world.



Roid gut can be treated, and it is not a part of your competing future. However, we have tried to cover basic points and show you that you can avoid various side effects if you intake them correctly with proper guidance and protections. Remember, you don’t rely on these various supplements such as HGH, steroids, or insulin for muscle growth. But if you have decided to use them, first take experts advice and follow their instructions and plan accordingly. This may help you to avoid roid gut and other side effects. To develop your muscle mass, you can also follow natural bodybuilding tips that may cause no side effects. Yeah! That’s true it takes too much time, but we can never get a good thing without any struggle, Right!


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